
The 4th of July holiday is this Friday and along with all of the festivities that come with celebrating our country’s independence comes spending time with our families. Personally, I look forward to seeing family and friends and enjoying all the delicious food and drinks. Sadly, I know that not everyone feels the same way about their family or does not even have relatives close by.

I feel pretty lucky because not only do I have my own family but I also have my work family. About a year ago, I was hired into the ChangingStreets tribe as an office administrator. They made me feel welcome from the very beginning. Soon enough, I got to know the agents and their different personalities.

Real estate agents usually work pretty independently and tend to change companies frequently. This makes it difficult to form relationships. Not at Some of the agents have been here for 10-14 years! I think that is one of the many great things that make different from some of the other real estate agencies around. There is a sense of family here.

We do our best to work as a team and help each other out as best we can. Of course, this sense of family and teamwork extends to our clients as well. You can rest assured that our agents are looking out for your best interests. They have the experience and knowledge to make buying or selling a home as easy and sane as possible.

Some may say the words “sane” and “family” are oxymoronic. We all have our moments, I guess. I’ve never had a job before where I love the people I work with. I think if you make the smart choice of hiring a ChangingStreets agent, you’ll notice the difference too.